Erasmus+ KA2

Descripción del proyecto

FINGO project promotes cross-curricular and interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of school education focusing on the topic of financial literacy knowledge and skills.

The target group of the project is teachers and students with hearing impairments and other disabilities, a category of students in need of different learning approaches, more creative, visual, experiential, and practice-based oriented.

Fingo supports teachers and other teaching professions by providing training materials, training experience, and expertise in cross-curricular and interdisciplinary teaching, gamification, and real base simulation techniques, in financial literacy, topics which are not very often approached and very common.

Objetivos del proyecto

  • Raise awareness on the benefits of financial literacy knowledge and skills and equip over 12000 students from special learning and mixed schools with useful knowledge, skills and tools by developing best practices and stories collection of successful personal financial management, workshop and photo exhibition guidelines for financial and basic entrepreneurial skills based on real case simulation techniques in 24 months.
  • Raise awareness, increase competence and equip 10000 teachers and educators from special education and mixed schools by providing them creative, effective, cross-curricular, game-based methodology in financial literacy skills consisting of a training package – curriculum and training materials, best practices and stories collection of successful personal financial management.

Resultados del proyecto

  • Result 1: ”Financial Literacy Skills Using Games – curriculum development for special needs students».
  • Result 2: «Financial Literacy Skills Using Games for Special Needs Students-training materials»
  • Result 3: ”Best Practices and Stories Collection of Successful Personal Financial Management for Special Needs Students”
  • Result 4: «I am a financially successful person – guidelines, workshops, and exhibition».

Socios del proyecto

Liceul Tehnologic Special Vasile Pavelcu
Telsiu kurciuju ir neprigirdinciuju draugija
Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino ONLUS

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